Integrate With Monsido

Extend Monsido’s capabilities with diverse integrations.

stylized graphic with logos for Drupal, Sitecore, Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Wordpress, and Joomla
graphic with Firefox, Drupal, Microsoft Edge, Joomla, Chrome, Wordpress, and Sitecore logos

CMS Integrations

Monsido’s CMS integrations work right out of the box. Navigate from a flagged issue in the Monsido platform directly to the specific page in your CMS.

illustration of the accessibility browser extension

The Monsido Browser Extension

Available on Chrome, Edge, and Firefox, the Monsido Browser Extension bypasses the need for users to review issues on the Monsido platform. Users can instead view issues highlighted directly on the page.

See Our Browser Extension

illustration of a server connected to digital devices, a cogwheel, and a woman

API Integration

Tailor our solution to your team’s needs. The Monsido API allows you to integrate the Monsido platform with your own applications, and build custom workflows and plugins.

Illustration of a PDF with an error message with a progress indicator and a success message with a progress indicator

Integrated PDF Accessibility

Monsido scans your website for inaccessible PDFs and connects with remediation services, powered by Allyant (formerly CommonLook), the best PDF remediation service on the market.

See Our PDF Feature

Ready To See Monsido in Action on Your Site?

We’ll run a comprehensive scan of your website and walk you through the results.

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