Interactive Queries

Use Acquia Interactive Queries' built-in SQL query editor to directly access unified CDP data and toggle between reports and queries.

Download the Datasheet

pink acquia droplets with product screenshots from Acquia CDP coming out of them
pink acquia droplets with product screenshots from Acquia CDP coming out of them
pink acquia droplets with product screenshots from Acquia CDP coming out of them
pink acquia droplets with an image of a woman in red on a computer

Know SQL? Get instant access.

Get self-service access to rich customer intelligence without installing extraneous tools or involving IT. Open a browser and get unlimited access to the data you need.

pink acquia droplets with an image of two people talking over a sticky note wall

Build Insights on the Best Data in the World

Draw important business intelligence insights from unified, accurate CDP data. With zero set-up and maintenance, an Acquia-managed ETL process refreshes data daily, so your analysis is always based on the richest data you can find.

Increase Customer Loyalty

pink acquia droplets with an image of a woman on a computer

Share Data With External Business Intelligence Systems

With secure data sharing, CDP data immediately appears in your Snowflake account with no transformation, data movement, loading, or reconstruction required. Query Acquia CDP's data and external tools' data at the same time for deeper insights.

Snowflake Data Sharing

pink acquia droplets with an image of two people talking

Access More Data Than Ever

Gain full SQL access to insights based on the combination of profile, transaction, and event data. While other systems are limited to transaction and profile data, event data is a critical part of Acquia CDP's single customer view.

Learn about data management

Ready for What's Next?

Harness the power of all your customer data with the only CDP that provides an accurate customer snapshot.