Acquia Platform Certification Track

Acquia Certified Cloud Pro


Exam name: Acquia Certified Cloud Pro
Exam Duration: 60 minutes
Exam Price: $155
Exam length: 40 questions
Pass/Fail mark: 65%
(subject to change)


The purpose of this exam is to validate skills and knowledge of a developer in the area of hosting and maintaining a Drupal website on Acquia Cloud Platform.

This exam validates a candidate’s ability to:

  • Understand the features provided by Cloud Platform
  • Configure Cloud Platform environment for hosting a Drupal based website
  • Implement an optimum development workflow to work with Cloud Platform-based websites
  • Understand and implement Cloud Platform development and deployment best practices


Note: This exam blueprint includes topics /domains and test objectives to help guide the test taker. They should not be construed as a comprehensive listing of all of the content of this examination.

Domain % of Examination
1.0 Fundamental web hosting concepts 15%
2.0 Cloud Platform features and interface 35%
3.0 Drupal development workflow on Cloud Platform 35%
4.0 Cloud Platform best practices 15%
TOTAL 100%

Test Format

Test item formats used in this examination are:

  • Multiple-choice: Examinee selects one option that best answers the question or completes a statement.

  • Multiple-response: Examinee selects more than one option that best answers the question or completes a statement.


Domain 1.0: Fundamental web hosting concepts

1.1. Demonstrate knowledge of basic web hosting architecture.
1.2. Demonstrate knowledge of Drupal development workflows.
1.3. Demonstrate knowledge of key security and performance concepts.

Domain 2.0: Cloud Platform features and interface

2.1 Demonstrate understanding of key features of Cloud Platform.
2.2 Demonstrate ability to configure various aspects of an environment.
2.3 Demonstrate ability to configure teams and users.

Domain 3.0: Drupal development workflow on Cloud Platform

3.1 Demonstrate ability to install a new Drupal site on Cloud Platform.
3.2 Demonstrate ability to set up local development environment for working with Cloud Platform.
3.3 Demonstrate ability to deploy code, database and files to various environments.
3.4 Demonstrate ability to manage Drupal site configurations across various environment.
3.5 Demonstrate ability to use Cloud API for workflow automation.

Domain 4.0: Cloud Platform best practices

4.1 Demonstrate understanding of best practices for performance enhancement.
4.2 Demonstrate understanding of security best practices.
4.3 Demonstrate understanding of best practices for live deployment.

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Acquia Certified Site Factory Pro


Exam name: Acquia Certified Site Factory Pro
Exam Duration: 60 minutes
Exam Price: $155
Exam length: 40 questions
Pass/Fail mark: 65%
(subject to change)


This exam is designed to validate skills and knowledge of developers, technical managers and architects in the area of designing, implementing and maintaining Site Factory (SF)-based solutions.

This exam is meant for Senior Developers, Technical Managers and Architects working on the Site Factory platform.

This exam validates a candidate’s ability to:

  • Understand the features provided by Site Factory (SF)

  • Understand and use Platform Administration functionality provided by SF

  • Implement an optimum development workflow to work with SF codebase

  • Understand and implement SF development and deployment best practices


Note: This exam blueprint includes topics/domains and test objectives to help guide the test taker. They should not be construed as a comprehensive listing of all of the content of this examination.

Domain % of Examination
1.0 Fundamental web hosting and Drupal architecture concepts 15%
2.0 Site Factory features and interface 30%
3.0 Site builder and developer workflows on Site Factory 40%
4.0 Site Factory best practices 15%
TOTAL 100%

Test Format

Test item formats used in this examination are:

  • Multiple-choice: Examinee selects one option that best answers the question or completes a statement.

  • Multiple-response: Examinee selects more than one option that best answers the question or completes a statement.


Domain 1.0: Fundamental web hosting and Drupal architecture concepts

1.1. Demonstrate knowledge of basic web hosting architecture.
1.2. Demonstrate knowledge of Drupal development workflows and multi-site architecture.
1.3. Demonstrate knowledge of key security and performance concepts for a multi-site, multi-server environment.

Domain 2.0: Site Factory features and interface

2.1 Demonstrate understanding of key features of Site Factory.
2.2 Demonstrate ability to perform platform administration activities.
2.3 Demonstrate ability to configure global site administration settings.

Domain 3.0: Site builder and developer workflows on Site Factory

3.1 Demonstrate ability to launch and manage sites.
3.2 Demonstrate understanding of code and release management.
3.3 Demonstrate ability to manage theming of Site Factory-based sites.
3.4 Demonstrate ability to deploy a custom Drupal distribution.
3.5 Demonstrate ability to use staging and testing capabilities in Site Factory.
3.6 Demonstrate ability to use Site Factory API for managing sites.

Domain 4.0: Site Factory best practices

4.1 Demonstrate understanding of governance models for managing large number of sites.
4.2 Demonstrate understanding of security and performance best practices.
4.3 Demonstrate understanding of best practices for site content and configuration staging.

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Acquia Certified Personalization Developer


Exam Name: Acquia Certified Personalization Developer
Exam Duration: 60 minutes
Exam Price: $155
Exam length: 40 questions
Pass/Fail mark: 65%


The purpose of this exam is to validate skills and knowledge of developers that design, implement, and maintain the Acquia Personalization product. These individuals are directly responsible for supporting leadership in understanding the benefits of personalizing and the marketers that design and launch campaigns.

This exam validates a candidate’s ability to:

  • Configure Acquia Personalization for building personalization campaigns
  • Understand and implement the best practices of Acquia Personalization
  • Support marketing and leadership teams that use Acquia Personalization



Note: This exam blueprint includes topics/domains and test objectives to help guide the test taker. They should not be construed as a comprehensive listing of all of the content on this examination.

Domain % of Examination
1.0 Fundamental Personalization Concepts 10%
2.0 Installation and initial Configuration 20%
3.0 Building Campaigns and Segments 35%
4.0 Testing and Training (Technical Handoff) 35%
TOTAL 100%

Test Format

Test item formats used in this examination are:

  • Multiple-choice: Examinee selects one option that best answers the question or completes a statement.  

  • Multiple-response: Examinee selects more than one option that best answers the question or completes a statement. 


Domain 1.0: Fundamental Personalization Concepts

1.1. Demonstrate understanding of fundamental concepts of website personalization

1.2. Demonstrate understanding of benefits and limitations of personalization

1.3 Demonstrate ability to build organizational understanding for personalization

Domain 2.0: Installation and Initial Configuration

2.1 Demonstrate ability to install the Personalization module, enforce configuration, and ensure site readiness

2.2 Demonstrate ability to configure, test, and set up data collection

Domain 3.0: Building Campaigns and Segments

3.1 Demonstrate ability to collect data

3.2 Demonstrate ability to understand and use Profile data

3.3 Demonstrate ability to define and use Segments

3.4 Demonstrate understanding of Analytics provided by Personalization

3.5 Demonstrate ability to configure Personalization in Management & Permissions

Domain 4.0: Testing and Training (Technical Handoff)

4.1 Demonstrate ability to test and validate that personalization is running

4.2 Demonstrate ability to display content, leveraging inspector for verification

4.3 Determine accuracy of the data reported

4.4 Ensure data is moving to strengthen Profile Manager into information

4.5 Troubleshooting suspicious functionality completed by team members

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Acquia Certified Personalization Marketer


Exam Name: Acquia Certified Personalization Marketer
Exam Duration: 60 minutes
Exam Price: $155
Exam length: 40 questions
Pass/Fail mark: 65%


The purpose of this exam is to validate skills and knowledge of digital marketing professionals and architects in the area of designing, implementing, and maintaining personalization campaigns using Acquia Personalization.

This exam validates a candidate’s ability to:

  • Leverage features provided by Acquia Personalization to the field of marketing technology
  • Rethink and support dozens of personalized A/B, targeted, content recommendations, and mixed campaigns



Note: This exam blueprint includes topics/domains and test objectives to help guide the test taker. They should not be construed as a comprehensive listing of all of the content on this examination.

Domain % of Examination
1.0 Fundamental Personalization Concepts 5%
2.0 Strategy Development 20%
3.0 Data Collection 30%
4.0 Personalizing 30%
5.0 Analytics and Optimizing 15%
TOTAL 100%

Test Format

Test item formats used in this examination are:

  • Multiple-choice: Examinee selects one option that best answers the question or completes a statement.  

  • Multiple-response: Examinee selects more than one option that best answers the question or completes a statement. 


Domain 1.0: Fundamental Personalization Concepts

1.1. Demonstrate understanding of fundamental concepts of website personalization

1.2. Demonstrate understanding of benefits and limitations of personalization

Domain 2.0: Strategy Development

2.1 Demonstrate ability to prepare appropriate campaign strategies ensuring readiness for personalization

2.2 Demonstrate ability to identify and build use cases for personalization

2.3 Demonstrate ability to build organizational understanding for personalization

Domain 3.0: Data Collection

3.1 Demonstrate ability to collect data and define Goals

3.2 Demonstrate ability to understand and use Profile data (People tab)

3.3 Demonstrate ability to define and use Segments

3.4 Demonstrate understanding of customer events (Google tag manager, inc.)

3.5 Demonstrate understanding of mapping and leveraging taxonomies

3.6 Demonstrate ability to configure Personalization (Configure tab) - Management & Permissions

Domain 4.0: Personalizing

4.1 Demonstrate ability to configure Slots

4.2 Demonstrate ability to define Rules

4.3 Demonstrate ability to create content for personalization

4.4 Demonstrate ability to configure and manage campaigns (all 4 types)

Domain 5.0: Analytics and Optimizing

5.1 Demonstrate understanding of analytics provided by Personalization (Analyze tab)

5.2 Demonstrate ability to continuously adjust campaigns to optimize and better results

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Acquia Certified Site Studio 6 Site Builder


Exam Name: Acquia Certified Site Studio 6 Site Builder

Exam Duration: 60 minutes

Exam Price: $155

Exam length: 40 questions

Pass/Fail mark: 65%


The purpose of this exam is to validate skills and knowledge of developers, designers and architects in the area of designing, implementing and maintaining a Site Studio DX8 based Drupal website. 

This exam validates a candidate's ability to:

  • Understand the features and functionality provided by Site Studio

  • Install and configure Site studio environment on new or existing websites.

  • Build a website using Site Studio style builder, components and website structure design elements. 


Note: This exam blueprint includes topics /domains and test objectives to help guide the test taker. They should not be construed as a comprehensive listing of all of the content of this examination.

Domain % of Questions
1.0 Website settings and configuration 20%
2.0 Using the style builder 15%
3.0 Building the structure of a website 20%
4.0 Using and creating components 30%
5.0 Miscellaneous concepts and features 15%
TOTAL 100%

Test Format

Test item formats used in this examination are:

  • Multiple-choice: Examinee selects one option that best answers the question or completes a statement.  

  • Multiple-response: Examinee selects more than one option that best answers the question or completes a statement.  


Domain 1.0: Website settings and configuration

1.1 Understands the usage of base unit size and unit conversion

1.2 Understands how to add colors to be used in their color palette

1.3 Demonstrate an understanding of how to add fonts to their website

1.4 Demonstrate an understanding of how to add and use icon fonts

1.5 Demonstrate an understanding of how to set up and use the responsive grid settings

1.6 Demonstrate an understanding of SCSS variables and how to use them

Domain 2.0: Using the style builder

2.1 Demonstrate an ability to can create a base style that is utilized in the website

2.2 Demonstrate an ability to create a basic custom style with the interface

2.3 Demonstrate an ability to create advanced styles with the style tree

2.4 Demonstrate an ability to create responsive custom styles by using the breakpoint selectors

Domain 3.0: Building the structure of a website

3.1 Demonstrate an ability to create and use Content Templates

3.2 Demonstrate an ability to create master templates

3.3 Demonstrate the ability to create View templates

3.4 Demonstrate the ability to use and create menu templates

Domain 4.0: Using and creating components

4.1 Demonstrate an ability to use the editing experience with components

4.2 Demonstrate an ability to create a component layout

4.3 Demonstrate an ability to create a component form

4.4 Demonstrate an understanding of creating advanced layout and style options

4.5 Demonstrate understanding of the usage of component dropzones

Domain 5.0: Miscellaneous concepts and features

5.1 Demonstrate an understanding of how and when to use 'hide if no data'

5.2 Demonstrate knowledge of how to use an existing select field in components

5.3 Demonstrate an understanding of reusability across multiple Site Studio enabled websites

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Acquia Certified Campaign Studio Marketing Pro


Exam Name: Acquia Certified Campaign Studio Marketing Pro 2020

Exam Duration: 60 minutes

Exam Price: $155

Exam length: 40 questions

Pass/Fail mark: 65%

This exam is designed to validate skills and knowledge of developers, digital marketing professionals and architects in the area of designing, implementing and maintaining Marketing Campaigns using Acquia Campaign Studio suite of products.

This exam validates a candidate's ability to:

  • Understand the features and functionality provided by Acquia Campaign Studio Suite of products. 

  • Install and Configure Acquia Campaign Studio environment on new or existing websites.

  • Configure, run and manage marketing campaigns using Acquia Campaign Studio.

Note: This exam blueprint includes topics /domains and test objectives to help guide the test taker. They should not be construed as a comprehensive listing of all of the content of this examination.


Number  of Questions

1.0 Instance Configuration


2.0 Data Management


3.0 Content, Components and Channels


4.0 Campaigns


5.0 Reporting


6.0 Campaign Factory


7.0 Value (Personalization)


Test item formats used in this examination are:

  • Multiple-choice: Examinee selects one option that best answers the question or completes a statement.  

  • Multiple-response: Examinee selects more than one option that best answers the question or completes a statement.  

Domain 1.0: Instance Configuration

1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of basic setup requirements for a Campaign Studio instance

Domain 2.0: Data Management

2.1 Demonstrate ability to maintain clean lists

2.2 Demonstrate knowledge of data tables

2.3 Demonstrate ability to build segments

Domain 3.0: Content, Components and Channels

3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of assets

3.2 Demonstrate knowledge of forms

3.3 Demonstrate knowledge of landing pages

3.4 Demonstrate ability to build effective & deliverable emails

3.5 Demonstrate knowledge of other channels usable with Campaign Studio

Domain 4.0: Campaigns

4.1 Demonstrate knowledge of campaign strategy

Domain 5.0: Reporting

5.1 Demonstrate knowledge of basic reporting capabilities

Domain 6.0: Campaign Factory

6.1 Demonstrate ability to manage multiple Campaign Studio instances

6.2 Demonstrate understanding of Campaign Factory's value

Domain 7.0: Value (Personalization)

7.1 Demonstrate understanding of Campaign Studio's personalization capabilities

7.2 Demonstrate understanding of the value of marketing automation

7.3 Demonstrate knowledge of dynamic web content

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Acquia Certified DAM Administrator


Exam Name: Acquia Certified DAM Administrator

Exam Duration: 60 minutes

Exam Price: $155

Exam length: 34 questions

Pass/Fail mark: 70%


This exam is designed to validate skills and knowledge of administrators in the area of maintaining the DAM system, configuring DAM settings, leveraging APIs/Integrations, and using Insights and Portals.

This exam is meant for experienced administrators working on the Acquia DAM.

This exam validates a candidate’s ability to:

  • Understand fundamental DAM concepts
  • Understand DAM governance and maintenance
  • Configure access and initial settings
  • Leverage API and Integrations
  • Use data from Insights
  • Create and customize Portals


Note: This exam blueprint includes topics /domains and test objectives to help guide the test taker. They should not be construed as a comprehensive listing of all of the content of this examination.

Domain% of Exam
1.0 Fundamental DAM Concepts20
2.0 DAM Governance and Maintenance20
3.0 Access and Initial Configuration25
4.0 APIs and Integrations10
5.0 Insights10
6.0 Portals15

Test Format

Test item formats used in this examination are:

  • Multiple-choice: Examinee selects one option that best answers the question or completes a statement.  
  • Multiple-response: Examinee selects more than one option that best answers the question or completes a statement.  


Domain 1.0: Fundamental DAM Concepts

1.1 Demonstrate understanding of uploading assets

1.2 Demonstrate understanding of metadata tagging assets

1.3 Demonstrate understanding of searching assets

1.4 Demonstrate understanding of downloading assets

1.5 Demonstrate understanding of sharing assets

Domain 2.0: DAM Governance and Maintenance

2.1 Demonstrate understanding of site governance

2.2 Demonstrate ability to manage asset lifecycle

2.3 Demonstrate ability to manage users

2.4 Demonstrate ability to influence user engagement

Domain 3.0: Access and Initial Configuration

3.1 Demonstrate ability to configure global settings

3.2 Demonstrate ability to configure permission settings

3.3 Demonstrate ability to configure user settings

3.4 Demonstrate ability to configure search settings

3.5 Demonstrate ability to configure upload settings

3.6 Demonstrate ability to configure order settings

3.7 Demonstrate ability to configure collections

3.8 Demonstrate ability to configure categories

Domain 4.0: APIs and Integrations

4.1 Demonstrate ability to integrate DAM with other software

4.2 Demonstrate ability to leverage API tokens

Domain 5.0: Insights

5.1 Demonstrate ability to create dashboards

5.2 Demonstrate ability to review subscriptions

5.3 Demonstrate understanding of the charts feature

Domain 6.0: Portals

6.1 Demonstrate understanding of creating a standard portal

6.2 Demonstrate understanding of security options for standard portals

6.3 Demonstrate understanding of use cases for portals

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