San Francisco Police Department (SFPD)
Drupal, Acquia Cloud Platform, Acquia Developer Experience, Professional Services and Support

The Client
The San Francisco Police Department is a world-class police force in a world-class city. SFPD keeps its community safe on foot patrol, horseback and in squad cars, investigating felonies, responding to emergencies, leading public safety classes and more.
The Situation
Kanopi and SFPD set out to launch a new site to act as a directory of services and resources for the city of San Francisco to better enable the SFPD to connect with the community and to personify the SFPD as a helpful, knowledgeable, easily accessible and protective neighbor.
The Challenge
The previous website did not allow the SFPD to provide online service in support of their mission. The site had become outdated and was not reflecting the branding and messaging of the SFPD and therefore was not effectively serving the San Francisco community. The underlying technology was cumbersome and difficult to use, making it hard to keep the content current and hindering the ability to scale and add new types of information.
The Solution
The new Drupal site has a reimagined visual, site structure and layouts in a responsive environment that provides easy and intuitive access for all device formats. The SFPD now has the ability to customize based on district requirements. A robust news section allows SFPD to provide the community with up-to-date and relevant, trusted news, a robust calendar of upcoming events and a station finder. It is now easy for the community to find services, contact information, as well as safety and crime prevention information and tips.
The Results
From the day that the site was launched, the community began providing positive feedback on the site, as well as recommendations for further improvements. After three months, the bounce rate decreased from 69% to 53% and the exit rate has decreased from 52% to 45%.