Global Atlantic Financial Group
Drupal, Acquia Cloud Platform

The Client
Global Atlantic Financial Group, through its subsidiaries, offers a broad range of retirement and life insurance products designed to help its customers address financial challenges with confidence. A variety of options help Americans customize a strategy to fulfill their protection, accumulation, income, wealth transfer and end-of-life needs.
The Situation
As part of health and safety measures against COVID-19, Global Atlantic Financial Group was required to develop a digital health and safety attestation system so its offices could reopen. As part of this process, every employee (including consultants, employees and contractors) had to login and submit a digital attestation form. Based on their response, badge access would be enabled/disabled. This badge access connected to the swipe-in badge reader at each office.
The Challenge
The challenge was to integrate a preventative monitoring process with an existing badging system. This process needed to be implemented across 11 locations for 1,000 employees and it had to be immediately responsive with a 5- to 15-minute testing validation window prior to employees entering the office. This would allow employees to maintain their badging system with a minimum of additional steps.
The Solution
The company tapped Ameex to lead the project, and Ameex began by gathering stakeholder viewpoints. Following agile practices, the team broke down the entire workflow into various epics/story points. As each epic completed, it was integrated into the overall workflow. The epics were also constantly evolving, and changes were introduced to particular epics after evaluation of its impact/risk. This made the process streamlined and quick to market.
The Results
Using Drupal and Acquia Cloud Platform, Ameex successfully developed, tested and delivered the project in seven days. Along with masks and social distancing, the associates of Global Atlantic were quick to adapt to the new badge attestation procedure before entering the office each day. While this project initially started at the company’s Des Moines office, the system is now being used at eight Global Atlantic office locations and has a 99.99% uptime.