
Closing the CX Gap: Customer Experience Trends Report

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When it comes to customer experiences, there’s a pretty big disconnect between how marketers assess their effectiveness and the unfulfilled expectations of consumers.

It’s OK, we can fix this.

The results of an Acquia-commissioned global survey, “Closing the CX Gap: Customer Experience Trends Report 2019,” present a huge opportunity for a course correction for marketers. More than 5,000 customers and 500 marketers were surveyed.

Here are some quick stats:

  • Nearly half of consumers say brands don’t meet their expectations
  • Two-thirds of customers could not recall when a brand exceeded expectations.
  • 87 percent of marketers say they are delivering engaging customer experiences
  • 74 percent of marketers globally feel like technology has made it harder, not easier
  • 62 percent of marketers plan to spend more on marketing technology in 2019

“The bar for customer experience has been raised. Marketers have expanded to new channels and adapted new technology to keep pace with consumer expectations. Yet our research found that technology has become more of a barrier than an enabler for a great customer experience," said Lynne Capozzi, Acquia CMO.

In this ebook, we discuss the following areas for improvement:

  • The human element of CX
  • Technology as an enabler, not limitation, of CX
  • Making data your secret weapon
  • Bringing the CX together: people, technology and data

Download your free copy of the Customer Experience Trends Report.


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