On Demand
Acquia Engage London 2023
Session Recordings
Innovation Showcase with Dries Buytaert, and Alan Botwright
Hear the latest updates to the Acquia Digital Experience Platform (DXP) and what's in store for the future from Dries Buytaert, Acquia Co-founder and CTO and Alan Botwright, Principal Technical Marketing Manager at Acquia.
Panel: Big Ideas in Digital
Keeping up with the latest in digital can feel like a never ending journey. That's because it is. Fortunately, we've gathered a group of industry leaders who are on the front lines of digital transformation, on top of everything that's happening, and ready to talk about it. This can't-miss panel features The University of Dundee, Planet, and CI&T. They'll go deep on their overarching digital strategies, share tips and tricks for your own digital success, and maybe even share some predictions for what's ahead.
Digital Experience at National Grid ESO, Electrifying Digital Experience in the Energy Sector
Tom Phethean gives insight into the digital transformation that's taken place at National Grid over the past 12 months. ESO (Electricity System Operator for Great Britian) are part of the National Grid group and aim to be carbon free by 2035. In this session Tom discusses how they are making strides towards this goal while overhauling their Digital Customer Experience to better meet the needs of the British public.
Better Together - Why Finastra is Building Marketing Innovation on Drupal
Finding engaging and innovative ways to communicate with its 8,600 banking and fintech customers, against a rising tide of digital fatigue, required creative thinking and a flexible, comprehensive, technology platform. In this session, discover how the marketing team at Finastra used Drupal to bring their ideas to life and boost digital customer engagement by 30%, through highly relevant content, whilst keeping their finance team happy.
Panel: Leading the Way with Digital Customer Experience
Tom Bianchi is joined onstage by Acquia customers Mars and ICON for an insightful panel discussion on digital customer experience - covering everything from content delivery, speed to market and the all important factor of governance.
Kitkat: The Most Powerful Customer Outcome
KitKat is the global Nestlé brand synonymous with a delicious break. Wherever you go in the world, you’ll recognise a KitKat. However, the same could not be said for KitKat websites worldwide which, until recently, existed on legacy platforms, were managed locally, and were not aligned in terms of look, feel nor experience. In this session, you’ll hear how KitKat partnered with Drupal, Acquia and Wunderman Thompson to create a new digital platform to drive consistency at scale, build deeper customer engagement and transform the marketing business to work more effectively and efficiently together. Interviewed by Dries Buytaert, Nestlé’s Arush Kochhar and Wunderman Thompson’s Niel Mouton will reveal how Acquia helped to give KitKat’s global experience a much-needed break.
Photos of the Event