
DAM Smart: Elevating Digital Experiences in Higher Ed

What's Covered?

  • Effective strategies for managing large digital asset libraries
  • Solutions for balancing the needs and priorities of diverse stakeholders
  • Steps to establish a robust digital asset management system
Additional Info

Sometimes it seems as though no matter how much effort you put into it, effective management of your university’s digital assets and media is just out of reach. Managing a constantly growing asset library and a pool of campus-wide stakeholders with competing priorities can be a recipe for constant frustration, even with the right tech stack. And with the wrong one… your job just gets harder.

In this session, we’re going to address the technical and governance best practices for getting your arms around asset management in higher education. Whether you’re a newbie or a veteran, these approaches should help you build a game plan to get your digital assets under control once and for all.

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