Calculate Your CDP ROI

The ROI of CDP is all about marketing success. How much is it costing your team by not having Acquia's CDP solution

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Reduce Campaign Time to Market

Calculate the money you can save by reducing your campaign creation time.




Increase Website Conversions

See estimated lift with an improved website conversion rate.




Increase Customer Retention

Our CDP solution helps you retain customers longer. Let's calculate your potential revenue increases.




Increase Average Annual Customer Value

How much do your customers spend on average?




Revenue Increase from Personalized Email

How much can Acquia CDP personalized email help your email revenue?




Reporting and Resource Productivity Efficiencies

Save your team time with the Acquia CDP.




Operational Efficiency Team #1

Increased team efficiency using Acquia machine learning for actionable insights.





Operational Efficiency Team #2

Optional input if you have another team with differing fully loaded cost.




Elimination of Legacy Tech Stack

Acquia is a robust solution that often replaces software you currently have. Calculate your savings.


Calculating your results

See The Full Picture

Monthly Revenue Increase

Monthly ROI

Expected Increased # of Conversions

Yearly Revenue Increase

Annual ROI

Annual Inefficient Work Hours Eliminated

Results may vary, and are not guaranteed.