6 Tips to Reduce Misspellings and Improve Content Quality

What do you think when you see a business post content with typos? Do you cringe? Do you wonder if they care to thoroughly check their copy?
If you’ve thought about these questions before, you’re not alone. Spelling errors can have a greater impact than we might think. They can lead to misinterpretation of your message, imply you lack care, tarnish your brand’s credibility and reliability, and ultimately, result in lost revenue.
No one is perfect when checking content manually. Even with free spell checking tools, misspellings and content errors can still sneak through. Thankfully, there are a couple of tips you can try to improve your writing quality and avoid typos. Let's get started.
Tips for quality content
1. Take a break
When you’ve finished writing content, it's recommended that you take a break for at least 20 minutes before revisiting the content. It’s common to glance over misspellings and content errors after becoming familiar with the content, when you’re writing distracted, or if you are multitasking at the same time. Proofreading the content after having a break may reveal errors you had previously missed.
2. Always proofread
Even with multiple read throughs of your content during the writing process, it's still important to dedicate time to proofreading and editing the finished piece (after taking a break of course). You never know what errors you will pick up.
3. Don’t solely rely on spell check tools
Spell check tools and website checkers are a good start, but they're not foolproof. While they may catch most typos and some grammatical errors, they likely don't recognize brand and industry terminology.
4. Read your content aloud
By reading content aloud, our brain processes the words in a different way. You'll be able to pick up on errors you may not have noticed before and check that the content reads well, too.
5. Double check names and terminology
It’s a good idea to check how you spell the names of people, companies, industry terminology, and facts. Misspelling names is a bad look for both you and your company.
6. Get a second pair of eyes
It’s easy to breeze past spelling and content errors, especially after looking at the same content for a long time. Before you hit publish though, ask a colleague to look it over and provide feedback. A final check never hurts.
Next steps
Do you want to check your website for spelling errors? Our quality assurance feature identifies and locates misspellings on your entire domain and even lets you customize your dictionary with specific brand and industry terms.