Blue and white line art of woman at desktop with the Drupal logo on the computer monitor in front of her

The Dries Buytaert Drupal Deployment Workflow

August 12, 2022 1 minute read
Dries Buytaert, co-founder of Drupal and Acquia, explains his deployment workflow for the open source software
Blue and white line art of woman at desktop with the Drupal logo on the computer monitor in front of her

I wanted to outline the development and deployment workflow I use on, my personal website.

My site uses Drupal (obviously) and runs on Acquia Cloud (of course), but a lot of this is a best practice for any web application.

I manage my website's code and configuration in Git. Each time I commit a change to my Git repository, I go through the following steps:

  1. I create a staging environment to test my code before deploying it to production. It's a complete staging environment: not just PHP, MySQL and Nginx, but also Varnish, Memcache, etc.
  2. I check out my Git repository. My Git repository hosts my custom files only. It's a best practice not to commit Drupal core or third-party Drupal modules to your Git repository.
  3. I run PHP Code Sniffer to make sure my code conforms to my coding style rules. I specify my coding style rules in phpcs.xml and use phpcs to make sure my code adheres to them. If not, phpcbf tries to fix my code automatically. I like my code tidy.
  4. I run PHPStan, a static code analysis tool for PHP, that scans my code base for bugs. It will find dead code, type casting problems, incorrect function arguments, missing type hints, unknown function calls, and much more. PHPStan is a fantastic tool.
  5. I run PHP Unit, a PHP testing framework, to make sure my unit tests pass.
  6. I run phpcs-security-audit, a static code analysis tool for PHP. It scans my PHP code for security vulnerabilities and security weaknesses.
  7. I run ESLint, a static code analysis tool for JavaScript. It scans my JavaScript code for security vulnerabilities and weaknesses.
  8. I run nodejs-scan to find insecure code patterns in my Node.js applications. I don't use Node.js at the moment though.
  9. I also run Semgrep, a static code analysis tool for a variety of programming languages.
  10. I run Rector to make sure I don't use deprecated Drupal code. When I do, Rector will try to programmatically update any deprecated code that it finds.
  11. As my Git repository only has custom files, I use Composer to download and install the latest version of Drupal and all third-party modules and components.
  12. I run drush pm:securityDrush is a Drupal-specific tool, and the pm:security option verifies that I have no insecure dependencies installed.

This all might sound like a lot of work to set up, and it can be. For Acquia customers and partners, Acquia Code Studio automates all the steps above. Acquia Code Studio is a fully managed CI/CD based on Gitlab, with specific steps optimized for Drupal. In 20+ years of working on Drupal, it's my best webops workflow yet. It couldn't be easier.

Screenshot of Acquia Code Studio that shows its automated tests feature
A screenshot of Acquia Code Studio that shows its automated tests feature

Acquia Code Studio also takes care of automating dependency updates. Code Studio regularly checks if Drupal or any of its dependencies have a new release available. If there is a new release, it will run all the steps above. When all of the above tools pass, Acquia Code Studio can deploy new code to production with one click of a button.

Screenshot of Acquia Code Studio that shows its automated update feature
A screenshot of Acquia Code Studio that shows its automated update feature

I love it!

This article was originally published here. To learn more about Drupal and Acquia, visit this page.