Emily Garrett
Years as a Customer
Products Used
Acquia DAM
Acquia DAM Customer Advocate

Emily Garrett

Emily Garrett was a Acquia DAM user but is now an Acquia DAM Advocate 

Admin specialties
Insights, Portals, Templates, Entries, and/or another PIM platform
Roles and permissions
Implementation champion
Business strategy using DAM

Departments using Acquia DAM:
Central operations
Customer success
Human resources
IT operations
Product management

Global DAM locations:
North America


Most proud of: 
Our implementation strategy was probably the biggest success. We made sure our users were aware of every step and got them excited about it in the process. When you get users excited and keep them informed, they are less hesitant to taking on another new piece of technology. Especially when they learn that it will make their lives easier. 

Implemented Acquia DAM because
We needed one source of truth for our partners to locate their marketing assets. Previously, we had things in online folders all over the place and links were breaking, we were having issues with certain permissions within the folders, and our teams just in general couldn't find what they needed. 

Brand Consistency was a HUGE issue before the DAM. As a franchise, family-owned, business model, we have a lot of different hands in the business, and with that comes the challenge of keeping the brand visually consistent. Each location created its own graphics and assets, would use the wrong logos, and wrong colors, and overall would just dilute the identity of the brand. Implementing the DAM has allowed our locations to create on-brand content that amplifies the voice of the brand as a whole.

ROI on our creative assets was extremely low because NO ONE was using them. We have a small but mighty in-house creative team that supports the internal corporate headquarters, B2B and B2C marketing for retail and nutrition, franchise development efforts, as well as marketing support for 340+ locations. When you look at everything the team does, we needed to make sure that we were making the most of their time because time is money. We couldn't have the team creating assets that no one was using, so now with DAM insights, we can see what people are using, what they aren't using, and even what they are searching for and aren't finding. This allowed us to really understand what our locations needed to ensure that we weren't wasting anyone's time, thus increasing the overall ROI for our creative team and their assets.

Return on investment (ROI)
For my team, it's mostly in terms of time and processes. For example with templates, instead of my team getting 20 creative briefs a week requesting hiring graphics or email graphics, they can make 1 or 2  templates for the headquarters team to use and it saves them at least 5 hours automatically each week. 

If we talk about staffing, anyone that is a creative knows that we are always asked to do more with less. So when it comes time to tell your leader that you're at capacity and need help, they first ask you what processes you can implement to be more efficient and what can you reprioritize. At a certain point, there are only so many processes that you can implement and so many tasks that you can reprioritize. The DAM makes distributing assets much more efficient, giving you time to dedicate to other items and increasing your overall workload. 

Desired customer outcomes (DCOs) hoping to achieve:
Organize content in one system
Consolidate redundant tools
Ensure brand consistency
Publish brand-approve content
Repurpose your best-performing content
Monitor content effectiveness
Minimize the risk
Streamline your workflow
Launch products faster