
Build Brand-Compliant Sites At Scale - Marketers' Edition

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Let's face it, it's not always easy to stay on brand and manage multiple changes, content requests, teams as well as websites at scale.

Does your organisation have the capacity, people and systems to handle these new demands to grow?

It's easy to overlook the changes that need to occur to support growth.

With that in mind, here are some key areas we addressed in our recent 30-minute webinar:

  • Building and reusing modules for different sites through a single administrator
  • Creating a brand site in less than a day (with brand consistency, control and governance) - How do they reduce complexity when deploying sites at scale
  • How to scale faster and deliver a multi-brand experience without risk of site sprawl that affects performance or security

We also shared some successful use cases of Centara Hotels & Resorts and Moosejaw (acquired by Walmart Inc.) during the session.

Watch on-demand now.

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