Acquia Reimagined.

Acquia exists to democratize creativity by championing digital freedom in everything we do. Our new brand refresh is a testament to that.

Group of people smiling
Video Thumbnail
Droplet Pattern
Brand Anthem

“The Freedom to” do the unimaginable. Thus, our new brand strategy was born.

Freedom to Campaign Banner


Strategic Approach

At Acquia, our vision is for doers and dreamers to craft the digital world on their terms. And today doers and dreamers have a new look! 60% of tech buyers are now millennials. A generation that demands transparency, a relatable brand message, and a modern look-and-feel. With that in mind, we reframed and refreshed our brand to be more inline with modern buyer expectations.

Freedom to Conquer Outside Banner


And through research and exploration, we landed on a conceptual North Star: Acquia = "Freedom”. There’s something very unique about the flexibility and power that Acquia provides, combined with our service model that gives these digital creators the tools and support they need to truly experience digital freedom.


This notion of providing a platform that empowers a sense of “freedom” led us to the idea that Acquia gives you "The Freedom to____."

custom sneakers
Custom socks
Acquia custom sneakers
Freedom to build

The open-ended nature of this construct allows users to make our mantra their own, based on whatever problem or outcome they're trying to solve for.

Plane Illustration

We navigate the digital world with the freedom and the confidence to challenge today. The entrepreneurial spirit is flourishing within Acquians who are exploring the next frontier of the digital experience.